Thursday, May 13, 2021

Knollman's Digital Graphics Recap, (Spring 2021).

Completed Work #1: (Resume Project).


    The visual display of this resume is very well-organized, and can easily be read by whom ever may be interested in exploring this individual's resume. However, the individual's name on top of the document looks to be too close to the top edge, and the creator could have also explored mimicking the design of the bottom, (The green rectangles and black circles), at the top of the document.  

Completed Work #2: (Flyer Project).


    This digital flyer delivers a bold and strong display, as the red, white, and blue colors upon the image are able to effectively stand-out and catch-the-eye of any potential viewer. The white stroke color around the red sub-header text was an excellent decision by the creator, however, they may have wanted to expand the size of their sub-headers, as they do not appear large enough to truly grab the attention of the viewer. 

Completed Work #3: (Brochure Project).

Image #1:

Beginning from left to right, this first image displays the brochure's front-right outside panel, back-outside cover panel, and front-left outside panel.


    While evaluating this brochure's front and back panels, it appears clear what the creator's intentions were when including the restaurant's burrito upon the opening cover. The creator also did an incredible job of including a variety of the promoted restaurant's menu items behind the animal's head. However, the creator should have been a little more attentive upon the stroke level of the text, "716 Buffalicious," as it does not match the stoke levels of the other displayed texts.  

Image #2

Beginning from left to right, this second image displays the brochure's inside-left panel, inside-middle panel, and inside-right panel.


    Upon viewing the inside of this brochure, it's nice to see how the creator was able to continue on with a balanced color scheme, and to keep it identical to the previously presented front and back panels of the brochure. The inside of the brochure offers a good organizational layout, however, the creator should have perhaps specifically cropped-out around the presented taco salad's shell, rather than the plastic bowl, (to make the image more effective). 

Completed Work #4(Postcard Project).


    This self-promotional postcard does an amazing job of grabbing the attention and focus of the viewer, as its defined black boarder edges allow the yellow and green colors to illuminate the entirety of the postcard. The creator possibly could have reconsidered the amount of text presented upon his postcard, and/or even repositioning his organization's logo to the top right of the postcard, (instead of the bottom right), to better display his overall text.   

Completed Work #5: (Logo Project).


    The presented, "A.S.K. Productions," logo above represents both a colored (left) and black-and-white (right) version of itself. Although the displayed logo can clearly and easily be identified as a type of  microphone, unless the viewer has previous knowledge upon the organization, potential viewers may not be able to accurately identify the organization's business. Also, the creator could have reconsidered the positioning of their, "Productions," text, as it could have possibly looked nicer wrapped around the base of the microphone rather than its current location.

Completed Work #6: (Business Cards).

Image #1:


    Within this first business card, it presents an electrifying and eye-catching display, as its yellow background illuminates its overall presentation, but also allows its secondary green color to easily define itself within its own significance. However, the creator should have possibly considered adding a thin black stroke upon the green rectangles that are presented upon this business card to enable a more true defined tone. 

Image #2:


    While viewing this second presented business card, the creator did an excellent job of effectively showcasing the organization's staff member's information by choosing a white background behind the displayed green and yellow text. However, the creator could have reconsidered removing the yellow square behind the organization's logo, allowing the green background to help define the yellow colors being displayed. One last note for the creator to consider, would have to reevaluated the thickness level of their black boarder surrounding the business card's context, as the organization's context could have been expanded to be more evident.  

Empower Black American Women.


    According to, previous evaluations have shown that black women living in America make up about 12.9% of the overall female population. Unfortunately, within the United States, black women have continuously gone under-appreciated, under-rated, and unrecognized.
  The incredibly courageous, heroic, and inspiring actions of Harriet Tubman as an abolitionist, public speaker, union civil war leader, leader of multiple open-door policy fundraisers, women's rights activist, and founder of the Harriet Tubman Home for The Aged has extraordinarily assisted the freedoms, rights, and well-being of American black women. Today, Kamala Harris's remarkable journey of becoming the first women of color to serve as the United States' Vice President is yet another influential story, as Harris was previously San Fransisco's first women of color to serve as their District Attorney, and also the second ever women of color to serve as the United States' Senator in 2016.
    Another evaluation that analyzed upon their webpage was that in 2017-2018, the total percentage of black American women who earned their bachelor's degrees was at a 11.4%, which is a decreased percentage compared to the highest percentage reached back in 2011-2012 at 12.3%. Although many American citizens may not be in a politically active, justice enforcing, or socially influential position to help directly affect the many unethical and corrupt social issues in our nation, there are still many advantageous organizations that are providing support to black American women who are in need of assistance.
    These four organizations listed below primarily fight and address racial and gender barriers that black women and girls often encounter, design and develop projects to make social changes in their communities, promote social awareness campaigns through community leadership activities, and indorse health advocacy support systems. Ultimately, donations to these organizations will directly go towards improving participants' skills and knowledge about financial literacy, political policies, mental health services (along with self-care information), and by helping black American women receive true justice upon areas like economic marginalization and other social inequality circumstances.

(Empower Black American Women)

Supporting Organizations:

Girls for a 

A.S.K. Productions, (Postcard_Final).


Who is Andrew S. Knollman? 

    Although there may be many unique ways to describe this academically successful and determined individual, a couple of his most valuable characteristics include his excellent communication skills and his progressive leadership capabilities. 

    After graduating from Buffalo State College in May of 2021, Mr. Knollman went on to establish his own music production and management company called, "A.S.K. Productions," located within the city of Phoenix, AZ. His organization's mission statement is, "To recruit, produce, manufacture, distribute, and manage their client's careers as aspiring hip-hop and/or rap artists within a respectful and professional manner, as they attempt to become successful within their desired and respected musical industries." 

    Unfortunately, upon recent years and decades, the hip-hop and rap music industries have been negatively criticized upon within our modern societies, as many previous artists and musical groups have highly polluted these two music genres by releasing music that presents criminal-like and violent attitudes and behaviors. However, at A.S.K. Productions, the organization is dedicated towards managing their client's upcoming and aspiring careers as hip-hop/rap artists by assisting them graduate and distribute culturally enlightening and communitive enriching meaningful music that ultimately presents a universally accepted vibe of peace, love, and positivity.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Final Logo Design, (A.S.K. Productions).

 Final Logo Design:


    This logo was created within Adobe Illustrator.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

716 Buffalicious: Elmwood Taco & Subs, (#SPWNY).


Image #1:

Beginning from left to right, this first image displays the brochure's front-right outside panel, back-outside cover panel, and front-left outside panel.

Image #2

Beginning from left to right, this second image displays the brochure's inside-left panel, inside-middle panel, and inside-right panel.

Monday, May 3, 2021

"Specialties of Western New York," (Brochure Assignment).

Gatefold Design:

Image #1:
Beginning from left to right, this first image displays the brochure's front-right outside panel, back-outside cover panel, and front-left outside panel. 

Image #2
Beginning from left to right, this second image displays the brochure's inside-left panel, inside-middle panel, and inside-right panel.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Help Assist Black American Women.

     According to, previous evaluations have shown that black women living in America make up about 12.9% of the overall female population. Unfortunately, within the United States, black women have continuously gone under-appreciated, under-rated, and unrecognized.
  The incredibly courageous, heroic, and inspiring actions of Harriet Tubman as an abolitionist, public speaker, union civil war leader, leader of multiple open-door policy fundraisers, women's rights activist, and founder of the Harriet Tubman Home for The Aged has extraordinarily assisted the freedoms, rights, and well-being of American black women. Today, Kamala Harris's remarkable journey of becoming the first women of color to serve as the United States' Vice President is yet another influential story, as Harris was previously San Fransisco's first women of color to serve as their District Attorney, and also the second ever women of color to serve as the United States' Senator in 2016.
    Another evaluation that analyzed upon their webpage was that in 2017-2018, the total percentage of black American women who earned their bachelor's degrees was at a 11.4%, which is a decreased percentage compared to the highest percentage reached back in 2011-2012 at 12.3%. Although many American citizens may not be in a politically active, justice enforcing, or socially influential position to help directly affect the many unethical and corrupt social issues in our nation, there are still many advantageous organizations that are providing support to black American women who are in need of assistance.
    These four organizations listed below primarily fight and address racial and gender barriers that black women and girls often encounter, design and develop projects to make social changes in their communities, promote social awareness campaigns through community leadership activities, and indorse health advocacy support systems. Ultimately, donations to these organizations will directly go towards improving participants' skills and knowledge about financial literacy, political policies, mental health services (along with self-care information), and by helping black American women receive true justice upon areas like economic marginalization and other social inequality circumstances.

(Assistance for Black Women of America)

Supporting Organizations:

The National Black Women's Justice Institute: 

Girls for a Change: 

The Loveland Foundation:


Thumbnail Designs:

Additional Resources:

Monday, March 22, 2021

Earth Day Membership.

    In April 1970, the Earth Day organization officially began their mission to help support and preserve our earth's environment. The Earth Day organization's overall mission is to diversify, educate, and activate the environmental movement amongst people and societies worldwide.
    The Earth Day organization contributes towards a variety of specific environmental causes and provides many educational material for individuals to engage with alone or with family and friends. The organization does not only offer a webpage that delivers quality information, but they also offer the opportunity for individuals to become a member.
    As many people choose to individually take care of our planet by possibly remembering to recycle or by planting some new trees, becoming a new member of the Earth Day organization comes with a bunch of rewarding benefits. By yearly donating funds to a specific category of support that you choose, first-and-foremost, you will be donating to a cause that will help earth's entirety.
    More specifically, your funds will be geared towards the organization's long-term action plans of achieving goals such as universal environmental knowledge, advocation for civil and corporate action on climate change, education about pollution, and the recruitment of the other millions of individuals who are concerned with our planet's environmental conditions.
    As a member of the Earth Day organization, you and many other members will be the first to hear of the various new volunteer opportunities and events that appear near you 365 days of the year! The Earth Day organization offers five stages of memberships that can be categorized as, "Earth Ally (Bronze Member), Advocate for the Earth (Silver Member), Earth Activist (Gold Member), Defender of the Earth (Elite Membership), and Champion of the Earth (Premier Member)."
    The different levels of memberships are defined by the total amount of funds that an individual donates or contributes towards the Earth Day organization for their membership. For more information about the Earth Day organization or how to become a member to receive updates and benefits, please follow the links below!

Earth Day's Main Website: